Otavalo Market

This post was written by students Elif and Niki.  We left the village early Saturday morning for a day trip to the city of Otavalo to experience and shop at the famous market. The Otavalo market is one of the biggest in South America. People from…

Pigs Rock

This post features student writing and photography. Today we woke up bright and early to start a fun-filled day of manual labor and working with kids at the day care. To help decide which project we want to work on, we divided into two groups….

Day Uno in the Village of Iltaqui

This post features student writing. Hola from Iltaqui! Today we expected to take a pleasant tour around the village and were surprised when it transitioned into a challenging hike up the mountain behind our school, where we are staying. We stopped at a small hut…

Sigue! Sigue!

Set atop one of Quito’s rolling hills is Parque Itchimbia, an expansive park overlooking the capital city’s historic district. Today we mixed icebreakers with intellectual discussion and emerged from our orientation at Parque Itchimbia a cohesive group and loving family ready for the adventure that…

We Have Arrived!

Last night, Community Service Ecuador Group C arrived to great fanfare in Quito. With an exciting day planned today, the students checked in to their hostel and slept early. More updates, soon!